Hewlett-Packard is a Fortune 100 multinational technology company based in California.
I was fortunate to collaborate in their latest enterprise program, designing in Powerpoint the training for their B2B salespeople.
Hewlett-Packard is a Fortune 100 multinational technology company based in California.
I was fortunate to collaborate in their latest enterprise program, designing in Powerpoint the training for their B2B salespeople.
The presentations used the brand new visual guidelines intended to renovate HP's image adapting it to current times. I embraced the new bold colors having some accents of purple but keeping it corporate with darker blues as well as using their signature light blue.
Consistency was a must, which is why heavily focusing on the Slide Masters was important at the beginning. After that, the presentation didn't need as much manteinance on tiny details (like corner logos, footer or slide numbers).
They were very happy with how the design turned out, having a great response among their salespeople, and ended up creating half a dozen more for their successful private sales program.
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